Website SEO Audit 2024, Totally free

Technical Site Audit
84 / 100

We use flowing these website SEO audit tools:-

1. Ahrefs.                                                                                                                Website SEO Audit

2. Semrush.

3. Moz.

4. Raven tools.



7. SEO Site Checkup.


A website SEO Audit:-

A website SEO audit is done to recognize a wide range of website issues. It resolves whether a website is fully optimized for search engine traffic, has any broken files or links, loads quickly, is user-friendly and has top-notch content. Conveying a manual site audit is a lot of work. If You have a total Oftimaized Website then SEO Improves Your Own Business.

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Choose a Website  SEO Audit Tool:-

Jfs software has an SEO Specialist team. All of the work they are doing.

Ahrefs, Semrush, Moz are my favorite tools.  All of these tools are premium (paid) SEO tools but have the best reliability for being thorough, accurate, easy-to-use, and comprehensive. It’s essential to keep in mind that the distinction between a free site audit tool and a paid version is huge in terms of ability and reliability.

1. Find Technical Errors

When somebody hears “website SEO audit”, what happens to mind are typically technical problems. All of these issues can impact SEO, however, even if you aren’t prioritizing SEO for a website, fixing the technical issues will still support the site to run more smoothly and be also user-friendly. That’s why ALL website owners need to conduct site audits regularly. The Site-auditor tool will generate a list of technical errors that need to be fixed on your site. These can include:

Crawl errors: Those that appear during the tool identifies pages that are incapable to be crawled by search engine bots

HTTPS status: This decides whether your site’s SSL certificate is up-to-date (i.e. “http://” vs “https://”) and whether a website is safe for users to access

XML sitemap status:  XML sitemap is a map for search engine crawlers. This decides whether the sitemap is formatted properly, includes all updated pages, etc.

Site and page load times: Find out whether site and pages load quickly (or slowly). Slow load speed can impact user experience

Mobile-friendliness: Is your website accessible via mobile devices? Are there any glitches or convenience issues?

Broken images: Make sure that all images show up perfectly on a website and don’t show a broken link

robots.txt file: This checks whether all of the web pages are being indexed accurately.

Broken links: Find any internal or external links that are “broken” (i.e. aren’t accessible to users or the page it is pointing to no longer exists)

Also checking a few of those errors off your list can significantly grow your website’s online presence and user-friendliness.

2. Identify SEO Problems

Undeniably, there is some overlap between what may be held to be “technical issues”. “on-page SEO issues” and “off-page SEO issues”. In reality, all of these concerns can affect SEO in one way another.

Here, we are doing the SEO category to enter anything that is not covered in the technical section of the site audit. These are the elements that are most commonly associated with SEO versus a conventional website audit.

General issues identified in a website SEO audit include:

  • Duplicate, short, long, or missing title tags.
  • Duplicate, short, long, or missing meta descriptions.
  • Missing or duplicating image alt text or title text.
  • Google Analytics code missing.
  • Presence or absence of H2, H3, etc. headings.
  • Missing or incorrect microdata.
  • Non-optimized internal links and anchor text.

The site-auditor will define which issues need to be addressed and how. This could mean re-writing page titles, writing longer Meta descriptions, adding H2s, and more.

While professedly insignificant, all of these issues can play a role in your site SEO. You will also want to be sure that you are targeting your focus keywords accurately by including them in your title tags, Meta description, etc.

3. Analyze Design and UX

Common website SEO  audit tools will investigate your website’s design and overall user-friendliness (UX). Both of these are important when it comes to how users interact with your site, how you interact with the customer while on the page how long they stay on your site, and whether they transform into paying consumers.

Make it easy for users to find what they are looking for If your site navigation uses complicated terms, content is buried deep in your website, or your design is all-in-all clunky, it can perform for a lower user experience. This may frustrate users, making them leave your website before ever making a buying or filling out a form. Conduct a site audit to find whatever design and UX issues. You can work with a UX specialist or web designer to optimize your site for conversions.

4. Assess Website Content

Having excellent content is such an important component of SEO, as well as converting users to your website. It’s not a profession to cut corners.

A total website SEO audit will identify which pages are ranking for focus keywords – and which pages may not be ranking at all. It will also identify any pages that have poor content or “copy” content. Copy content refers to content that may be too similar to another part of the content on your website.

Some most excellent practices for SEO content include:

  • The content adheres to the overall website goal and purpose.
  • Content is short and helpful to users.
  • Content has well-researched keywords that balance search intent.
  • Content is well-organized and structured according to SEO best modes.
  • Neither spelling nor grammar mistakes.
  • No “filler” content (i.e. all content serves a purpose).
  • Content covers effective bullet points, numbered lists, and pictures as needed.
  • Content is optimized for mobile (short articles with the white area).
  • Include internal links to associated pages and external links to prominent websites.
  • Content is unique and isn’t copied or stolen.

5.Make a Checklist of All Site Issues

The extreme step of conveying a site audit includes generating a comprehensive checklist of all of the site points that need to be fixed. Most tools will create a digital report for you to check off online, along with basic guidance on how to fix the issues.

We audited a website and found 30 broken links that are 404 pages. I will you do now following this step:

Redirect the 404 error: Redirecting users to another relevant page is the easiest way to fix 404 errors on site. Just make sure to redirect them to something relevant — don’t just send them back to your homepage.

Restore the page: If we find there’s still a lot of demand for a page you’ve deleted and there’s no suitable page to redirect users to, consider restoring the original page.

Correct the link: If broken links exist on our site, we can simply edit the link to point to the correct URL. We won’t be able to fix links on websites you don’t control, however.

Create a 404 page: By creating a custom 404 error page, we can make sure no visit is useless—more on this below.

A website just scored 05 on page speed insights. It is a WP site. We get it to 80 following this step:-

  1. Optimize images unify JavaScript and CSS.
  2. Render-blocking resources above the fold.
  3. Leverage browser caching.
  4. Enable compression.
  5. Reduce server response time.
  6. Remove query strings (optional).

6. Fixing Mixed Content Error in WordPress

 The first thing you need to do is install and activate the SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin. Upon activation, you want to visit the Settings » SSL Insecure Content page to configure the plugin settings. This plugin provides different levels of fixes to the mixed content error. We will explain each one of them, what they do, and which one is best for you.


This is the fastest and most approved method for all beginner users. It automatically makes the mixed content error in WordPress for scripts, stylesheets, and WordPress media library images.


If the simplistic system doesn’t fix the various content error on your website, then you should try this method. It will use all the features of simple, in addition to checks for fixes inside WordPress content and text widgets.


This covers all fixes utilized in the content level plus a supplementary fix to resources stored in all WordPress widgets on your website.

iv. Capture

This system takes everything on every page of your website from header to footer and restores all URLs with HTTPS. It is crawling and would influence the performance of your website.

v. Capture all

If all the above levels fail, then you can try this technique. It tries to fix everything which may result in some unforeseen way on your website. It will also must the most negative impact on performance.

After selecting a content fix level, you require to scroll down to the HTTPS apprehension section. This is where you can choose how to identify the HTTPS content on your website. The default event is to use a WordPress function, which would work for most websites.

Below that you will find other alternatives which are individually useful if you’re using Cloudflare CDN, Nginx web server, and more. Go ahead and select the way that you think applies to your website depending on your special setup. Don’t neglect to click on the save adjustments button to store your settings. You can now visit your website to see if this proposed the insecure content issues on your website. Originate sure to clear your WordPress cache before examining your website. If the mixed content error in WordPress is not fixed, then revisit the plugin’s settings page and replace the fix levels.

You will get a website SEO audit for free. Just do an email.

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